When you are going through a divorce, you know that it is a tough time, and you need to face reality. Like “spousal support” or “maintenance,” alimony payments are a part of the Divorce process.

Also, on the off chance that you gain more money than your spouse generously, there is a decent shot you will be requested to pay some alimony.

Then again, basically, alimony isn’t granted for short time marriage or where you and your spouse earn near a similar sum of money.

If requested, you need to pay a certain amount of money every month until:

  • a date set by a judge to stop alimony.
  • Your previous life spouse remarries.
  • Your children don’t need a full-time parent at home.
  • A judge discovers that after a certain timeframe, your spouse has not attempted to progress toward self-supporting.
  • Some other significant occasion, for example, retirement, persuading a judge to change the amount paid, or
  • one of you die.

In your divorce case, you and your spouse can agree on a certain amount of alimony and the time span.

But if you both cannot, then the court will set the terms and conditions for you, and of course, it will be done by a trial.

Taxes and Alimony Records

Until further notice, alimony charged is deductible for the paying spouse and comprises assessable pay for the upheld spouse.

This is one of the numerous reasons that it’s imperative to keep satisfactory records if you’re paying or accepting alimony.

Note that under the 2017 Republican Tax Bill, starting January 1, 2019, people paying alimony will never again have the option to deduct their installments for assessment purposes, and upheld spouses won’t need to incorporate alimony in their gross salary.

When you have to appoint an Alimony Lawyer:

When your spouse refuses to pay the alimony, then you may appoint an alimony attorney to get the alimony payment.

On the other hand, if your spouse fails to perform the terms and conditions prescribed by the court, you can also appoint an attorney applicable for both of you.

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